Governance review

Review of CCS Disability Action’s governance

Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua.
Those who lead give sight to those who follow,
those who follow give life to those who lead.

CCS Disability Action is currently reviewing our governance arrangements to better support the organisation and the people we serve.

In 2022, a new Incorporated Societies Act was passed, requiring us to adopt a new constitution by April 2026. This provides us with a unique opportunity to assess whether our governance arrangements and legal structure are still set up in the best way possible to meet our needs, and whether there are improvements that can be made.

You can find all the information, latest updates and opportunities to have your say, below.

Remit Information sessions
Emma Lubberink Emma Lubberink

Remit Information sessions

Join CCS Disability Action for information sessions on the governance review process with updates and changes explained.

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National Board Remit for all Branch AGMs 2024
Emma Lubberink Emma Lubberink

National Board Remit for all Branch AGMs 2024

All members of CCS Disability Action are encouraged to participate in the vote concerning the governance restructure remit. Make your voice heard and contribute to the organisation's future direction.

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Community hui: have your say
Emma Lubberink Emma Lubberink

Community hui: have your say

CCS Disability Action are holding a series of workshops across the country. These will give you a chance to learn about the governance review and to respond to the proposed options.

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Update on consultation: March 2024
Emma Lubberink Emma Lubberink

Update on consultation: March 2024

An update from the CCS Disability Action National Board on the governance review and next steps for consulting with members and the wider community.

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