Corporate support
Partner with us
CCS Disability Action works in partnership with many companies and organisations in our mahi. We are the largest disability support provider for people with all impairment types in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We work with over 5,000 disabled people and their whānau every year, supporting all people with any kind of impairment. We also assist many more through schemes like the Mobility Parking permit scheme, which helps over 170,000 people access their local communities.
We have been working alongside disabled people since 1935 and are now at the forefront of service provision, advocacy and information sharing in the disability sector. We partner with disabled people, their families and whānau to enable them to have choice and control in their lives.
Our vision is for every disabled person/whānau hauā to be interwoven into the lives of their whānau and community. Does your team share our vision too?
Inclusion and diversity
One in four New Zealanders live with an impairment. Our society does not always operate in a way where everyone can participate. This can be created by a physical barrier, other people’s attitudes and behaviours, or by a lack of access to information, resources and support.
These barriers create an environment that can make life challenging for disabled people/whānau hauā. When you choose to support CCS Disability Action, your donation creates vital resources for us to work with local communities across Aotearoa New Zealand, helping them to become disability aware, engaged, physically accessible, inclusive, and welcoming of all people.
Your partnership supports our essential work with disabled people and children. You can play many roles in our success. Whether you donate, offer work experience placements, fundraise for us at your workplace or improve accessibility for your staff, customers, and community. There are many ways you can support our mahi and play an active role:
Help disabled youth transition from school to employment
Employment for disabled people is often limited by opportunity and people's attitudes, not impairments. Our Transition services support young people between 16-21 years of age who are thinking about leaving school in the next year or two, supporting young people and their whanāu to plan for a good life after high school. We work in partnership with disabled people and their families to create individually tailored supports that are guided by individual needs and wishes. We support young people and their whānau by:
Supporting young people to be aspirational.
Providing information and support.
Support to access courses, work experience or employment.
We want to offer this support to as many disabled rangatahi as possible, but we need your help. Currently these services have a strict funding eligibility criterion that targets young people that receive Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) funding, which only reaches 1.3%* of the total schooling population.
Sponsor our transition mahi to give opportunities to disabled youth through work experience and support to move into meaningful work.
We know what a positive impact these services have. Sponsorship lets us offer these services to a young person that is outside the current funding criteria and would benefit from these opportunities. Please get in touch with Victoria Corey, National Fundraising Advisor to discuss further at donate@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz. All sponsors are acknowledged on our website, through social media and in our Annual report.
*As at 1 July 2022, there were 10,645 students receiving Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) funding. These students represented 1.3% of the total schooling population.
Read Beau’s story to see how his passion for cars led to studying and doing work experience in the automotive industry.
If you’d like to suggest your organisation as a potential work placement, please let us know.
Please note that we work with each young person to organise work experience that matches their individual skills and interests, so can’t guarantee a placement.
Disability leadership
As an organisation, we work from a Human Rights perspective within a disability rights framework, and this is reflected in everything we do. We partner with disabled people, their families and wider whānau, to support them having choice and control in their lives. We recognise disabled people/ whānau hauā as the experts in their own lives.
In our mahi, we connect with all parts of Aotearoa New Zealand. We acknowledge Māori as Tangata Whenua. We are committed to being in relationships with Hapū and Iwi so that we continue to develop our ability to support whanau hauā.
We support communities to be inclusive by:
Advising communities to be accessible and welcoming.
Facilitating of Karanga Maha hui.
Providing information and resources through our library.
Lobbying for inclusion - schools, councils, businesses.
Providing disability awareness training.
Opportunities to partner with us:
Disability Awareness
We offer training, workshops and materials to raise awareness on the rights of disabled people in Aotearoa. This training looks at the influence New Zealand’s history has had on society and disabled people in today’s world. It challenges harmful perceptions that result in unconscious bias and ableism. It also explores the rights of all people and valuing disabled people as contributing members of society.
Our Disability Leadership team are passionate about delivering this training to a wide audience.
Could your organisation partner with us to sponsor Disability Awareness Training?
Help us deliver training to a wide audience and bring positive change to your community. Your support will be credited on our website, social media and in our Annual Report. Contact Victoria Corey, National Fundraising Advisor at donate@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz to register your interest.
Disability awareness and accessibility training for your team
CCS Disability Action, Lifemark and BarrierFree can deliver in-person training across New Zealand that is tailored to your organisation’s requirements. Our experienced facilitators create a fun and engaging environment pitched perfectly to the needs of your team.
Alternatively, you can register for our existing e-learning modules or work with our friendly team to create a customised e-learning programme.
A credible programme developed and delivered by disabled people
Our disability awareness and accessibility training has been co-designed by disabled people and will give you the tools you need to unlock the potential within your organisation. By fostering an inclusive environment, you can tap into a wider talent pool, meet your legal and regulatory obligations, enhance team engagement, and improve customer satisfaction. Our accessibility expertise can help you create more inclusive public and private spaces.
You can find out more and book a Disability Awareness Training session for your team here.
Supporting Whānau Hauā Māori
Ko Karanga Maha
Haere mai
E te iwi
Haere mai
Haere mai
Welcome Welcome
To the Many Voices
Welcome Welcome
To the people
The first Karanga Maha hui was held over 10 years ago. Karanga Maha (meaning ‘Many Voices’) are a series of grassroots hui driven by local steering groups with support from the Māori Development team at CCS Disability Action.
We partner with Whānau Hauā Māori (disabled Māori) across Aotearoa to offer an opportunity to share aspirations, stories, life experiences and information underpinned by kaupapa Māori.
A safe space for Whānau Hauā Māori to be heard, all whānau, support people and community are welcomed to participate in a festival of conversation and connecting. Karanga Maha working as a whānau on collective aspirations. Karanga Maha can feature guest speakers, workshops, waiata, opportunities to learn about Māori practices and key roles on marae, and traditional kai.
Our Māori Development team would like to roll out Karanga Maha to new regions across Aotearoa. Could your organisation partner with us and sponsor our next Karanga Maha hui?
Your support will be credited on our website, social media and in our Annual Report. Contact Victoria Corey, our National Fundraising Advisor at donate@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz to register your interest.
Your team could raise funds for us
Here are some simple ways your team can support CCS Disability Action:
Payroll giving is a regular donation from your pay. The tax credit for the amount donated is applied immediately. Your payroll team will need the following account details:
Account name: CCS Disability Action Payroll Giving
Account number: 02 -0568-0140030-00
You may like to suggest CCS Disability Action as a charity your team can get behind. If you’d like some copies of our latest newsletter for your staff break rooms, please get in touch. Once you setup payroll giving, please let us know so we can send supporter updates.
Raise funds for us - create your own fundraiser for CCS Disability Action.
Our community fundraising hub lets you get creative and have some fun while supporting a good cause.
From a morning tea in the office or a sporting challenge that multiple teams can register for, we’ve made it easy to setup your fundraiser and share it with your team.
We provide resources and tips to help you run your fundraiser and through our site you can post updates to all your donors and track progress against your fundraising target.
Match funding
Match funding lets you show supporters that you share their commitment to our mahi, plus helps disabled people and their whānau and communities to thrive. Match funding generates interest and urgency to reach our fundraising targets and is promoted on our social media channels too.
Please get in touch if you would like to explore options for offering a match funding amount, contact Victoria Corey, National Fundraising Advisor at donate@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz.
Access for all
You may like to support our mahi to improve accessibility in our communities. We work to break down barriers and make positive change:
Last year over 1,000+ people were allocated Lifemark® rated homes. Lifemark® work alongside designers and builders to offer advice on how to make best use of space in a home, based on the principles of Universal Design. We work with many Accredited partners and Product partners in the building industry.
Our Barrier Free reviews and audits improve accessibility standards for public and private clients - creating buildings, spaces and transport networks that are accessible and welcoming to all. We run training course for Building officers too.
More than 170,000 people in Aotearoa New Zealand have a Mobility Parking permit to keep active and independent in their local communities. We have provided the scheme since 1977, issuing over 51,000 permits last year.
If your organisation owns or manages a car park, there are ways you can partner with us to improve accessibility today:
Ensure your car park has at least the minimum number of mobility parking spaces as required under Standards NZ 4121.
Encourage customers to let you know if there are cars in the designated mobility parking spaces that do not have a permit displayed and that you will take action.
Use International symbol of access (ISA) signage to encourage everyone to keep these spaces clear for permit holders.
Remember 1 in 4 Kiwis have an impairment and that people with disability are customers too.
If you’d like to donate to support our work, please get in touch or donate online today.
Current projects
Current sponsorship opportunities:
Dig It! Royal Oak Community Garden
The Dig It! garden is a leafy haven in the heart of Auckland that showcases organic gardening and permaculture practices to locals, schools and community groups. Dig It! is a garden that welcomes all people, including people who identify as having an impairment or who experience mental illness. As a result, Dig It! is a diverse, vibrant and welcoming community to be a part of.
To create a site that meets the access needs of all people, including the elderly, kids and people with a mobility impairment we have used our team’s landscape design experience to develop an accessible design. Can your team help fund this unique garden? Be a part of our garden community that welcomes everyone.
Sponsorship Opportunities
We have a limited number of planter boxes available to sponsor. Your name and logo will be professionally embossed on the planter box and given pride of place in our garden.
You may like to sponsor a dedicated walkway in the garden instead, with your name and logo professionally engraved in the dedicated area that will be named after your organisation.
All sponsors are acknowledged on the Dig It! garden webpage.
If you’re interested in supporting this unique garden community, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Victoria Corey, National Fundraising Advisor at donate@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz.