Celebrating 90 years

Honouring 90 years of partnering with disabled people and their whānau

Ko Te Aronui te Manawa, ka Tū Te Ora o ngā Rangatira Maha.
Leadership rooted in strong principles gives life and strength to many others.

Welcome to a special year of celebration as we mark 90 incredible years of service and support. Since 1935, we have proudly worked alongside disabled people and their families, enabling them to have choice and control in their lives.

This milestone is not only a moment to reflect on our rich history but also to celebrate the amazing achievements of people who have helped shaped our journey – especially our disabled leaders both past and present.

As we look back with gratitude and forward with hope, we want to thank all our whānau for their contributions along the way. Ngā mihi nui!

A message from Mel Smith