Give monthly
Join the Friends
Make a big impact with a monthly gift. Our community of monthly donors, the Friends of CCS Disability Action, helps us to meet demand, wherever funds are needed most.
Society does not always work in a way where everyone can participate and achieve their goals. You can help CCS Disability Action change that.
Your monthly donation helps our caring team to work alongside disabled people so that we can break down barriers. Together, we can create a more inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand, so that everyone can thrive.
How your monthly gift can make a difference:
$39 a month - $1.28/day
Funds transport for our team to visit people we support.
This means people in remote areas don’t miss out.
$49 a month - $1.61/day
Delivers an hour of direct community support.
Advocacy and support with everyday tasks like shopping or cooking.
$59 a month - $1.91/day
Funds staff time to support disabled children.
This is different for every child. One example is applying for teacher aide funding.
We rely on donations like these to help us provide quality services in a way that works for disabled people and their whānau.
Spread your donation across the year and get behind our caring team. It’s easy to set up a monthly gift.
Just 7% of total donations are spent on administration each year. You can choose how much you give and change the amount you give monthly at any time.
Find out more about the Friends
The Friends are dedicated to supporting our mahi with disabled people through a monthly donation. They donate to CCS Disability Action by credit card or direct debit on a set day each month.
As a Friend, you can receive quarterly updates by post or by email. You’ll see how your donations make an impact and hear from the people we support.
It’s a time-efficient way to donate. Friends tell us they choose a monthly gift so they can support us without the need for frequent reminders or manual transactions.
Monthly giving is flexible too. You can update the day of the month you give or adjust the amount you give at any time.
As champions of our mahi, many of our Friends have been supporting us for more than a decade. We’re so grateful to this wonderful community.
“My donation, combined with others, lets CCS Disability Action provide practical support for individuals and families.” - Jane K, Auckland
Through their monthly donations, these caring Kiwis make a big impact on their local communities. Can you help us break down barriers? Join our community of valued donors.
What makes CCS Disability Action different?
Our vision is that every disabled person/whānau hauā is interwoven into the lives of their whānau and community.
Your support lets us deliver quality services through our unique approach:
Wherever we are needed: We cover all of Aotearoa New Zealand.
We go to them, so no one misses out: We visit people in their homes and local community – even the remote ones.
Everyone is unique: We tailor support to every individual. This allows disabled people to have more control and choice in their lives.
90 years of advocacy: We are the largest disability support provider for people with all impairment types in New Zealand.
“Having CCS Disability Action in our lives has done so much good for our family. I think more people should ask for help.” - Hollie.
The impact your donation makes
Government contract income does not meet the costs of providing our unique services. Donations mean we can offer more flexible support options beyond what is normally funded, giving disabled people greater choice and control over the support they receive from us. It also means we can provide support to people who would otherwise miss out completely.
Donations allow us to reach remote areas of New Zealand that require longer staff travelling times. Additionally, they fund vital work such as advocating for disabled people and community development mahi, which is not covered by government contract income.
“A rising tide lifts all boats… at kindy, they found that many of the simple changes that the CCS Disability Action team suggested for Essie noticeably improved outcomes for all.” - Essie’s mum.
Donations from the Friends help to bridge these funding gaps and allow us to provide services in a way that the people we support tell us really work for them. In Henk’s story, he shares how working with CCS Disability Action changed his life, enabling him to live independently.
Henk’s story
Triple Paralympic champion Henk Dijkstra lived most of his adult life with no choice and no control over the most basic aspects of his life, due to the system controlling when, how and through whom he received support. Read Henk’s story.
Henk’s passion and skill in Boccia has seen him represent New Zealand at three international Paralympic Games. “I started playing Boccia in 1995 and I have represented New Zealand in Atlanta in 1996, Athens in 2004 and Beijing in 2008,” he says.
Henk moved to CCS Disability Action from another disability support agency, choosing support called Individualised Funding.
CCS Disability Action's approach gives him the control that he’s been wanting for much of his adult life. It’s the ability to make important choices that were previously off limits, that has made the biggest difference to how Henk feels about his life. Things like choosing what time he goes to bed, who comes into his home and when they do so.
“I have greater independence and empowerment now,” he explains.
Paul Arnott, CCS Disability Action coordinator, describes Henk as “warm, direct and intelligent.” The pair make an excellent team working together to ensure Henk’s support works the way he wants it to.
“There’s an expectation that disabled people want others to do things ‘for’ them, but I don’t think this is true,” says Henk. “I didn't have any contact with the coordinators of the previous agency I was with. I don’t think they knew anything about what was important to me. I felt really frustrated by their lack of empathy and interest. Paul has had a completely different approach. He’s taken a lot of time to get to know me, find out what I really want in life and has put things in place to suit me.”
Paul and the team at CCS Disability Action also ensure that my support workers have enough training prior to starting work for me, ensuring they can provide a high standard of support.”
Henk has control of an individualised budget, and he uses this for support in his home and to get out and about regularly. He’s a familiar face at Moana Pool and is a regular gym goer. To balance things out Henk has some other, less active, pursuits too. “My hobbies also include watching sports and movies, camping, eating out and enjoying a home-cooked meal,” says Henk.
Get in touch
Introducing Hamidah, who works with the Friends:
“I love working with our donors, who share our vision for a more inclusive Aotearoa. As National Coordinator – Donor Relationship Management I answer all donor queries by phone, text or email. Please reach out if you have any questions about your monthly gift, or would like to start one!
I love working for an organisation that walks the talk. I am Autistic (Tangata Whaitakiwātanga). CCS Disability Action fully backs me to do my best mahi.”
If you need copies of your annual donation receipts or need any support please contact Hamidah:
0800 227 200 or 04 801 0851 (DDI)
Frequently asked questions
If you have any questions about joining the Friends or monthly giving that are not answered below, please get in touch.
When will I get my tax receipt?
Monthly recurring donations: Your tax receipt will be sent in April each year with a summary of all the payments made in the last financial year.
One-off donations: Your tax receipt will be sent within 21 days, or immediately if you give online.
Can I get copies of old tax receipts?
Yes – please email support@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz with your full name and how you donated so we can organise copies.
Where can I find out more about your work?
Our Annual Report and regular newsletters to members are great places to start. Follow us on social media too.
Where does my donation go?
Your donation will support the work of your local branch, going to where the funds are needed most in that area. We aim to keep admin costs as low as possible. Just 7% is spent on administration each year.
Can I choose the date on which my monthly donation will be made?
If you sign up for a monthly gift by credit card, your next gift will be a month from the first donation date. You can contact us to reset this to a different day of the month, or to adjust the amount you give.
If you sign up for a direct debit, you will get the choice of a monthly donation made on the first, tenth or twentieth of the month.
I want to stop my recurring payment/direct debit.
Email support@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz or call us during business hours on 0800 227 200 or 04 801 0851 (DDI) and we can cancel your next payment immediately.
I want to update my mailing preferences or change my address.
Email support@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz or call us during business hours on 0800 227 200 or 04 801 0851 (DDI) and we’ll update your details.
You can choose to only receive updates by email or post and decide how often you’d like to receive updates by completing our donor preferences form.
Why does CCS Disability Action need additional funds?
We rely on donations because government contract income does not meet the costs of delivering our support. Donations allow us to offer more flexible support options that funding doesn’t cover and provide support to others who may miss out completely. This gives disabled people greater choice and control over the support they receive from us.
Do you use door-to-door fundraising?
Yes, we have face-to-face fundraising campaigns that may visit your home or be at a local mall or supermarket.
Our fundraising team helps us to reach new supporters.
Our team members wear a uniform and have an official badge they can show you to confirm they represent us.
Your local branch knows when our teams are out fundraising, so please contact them for confirmation if you are concerned.
All our fundraisers are registered with the PFRA (Public Fundraising Regulatory Association).
Tyler is one of our friendly fundraising team.