Disability support
About our disability support
We offer a broad range of support services for disabled people, family and whānau. What is right for you will depend on your stage of life, your needs and, most importantly, your aspirations.
These differ across the country, but we share the same values and approach to delivering support:
Helping you to navigate and access your support options.
Providing good information.
Creating meaningful community connections.
Working as an advocate to ensure your voice is heard.
Many of our services have eligibility criteria and some may unfortunately not be offered in your area. We encourage you to contact your local branch to learn more about how we might be able to best support your needs, or use the form below to submit a support enquiry.
Support enquiry form
ACC Living My Life
Working with people to develop skills, knowledge, the right supports and connections with local community.
Choice in Community Living
Choice in Community Living supports people currently living in residential care to move into their own home and connect with their local neighbourhood.
Contract Board
We partner with host families and disabled people to support disabled people to continue living within their community.
Early Intervention
We are contracted to deliver Early Intervention services for the Ministry of Education.
Employment and Vocational Services
We work with disabled people aged between 16 and 65, who are not currently in school and are looking to build our community.
Individualised Funding
A way of paying for disability support that gives you greater choice and control over your Ministry of Health funding.
Library & Information Services
Provides a wide range of information and resources about disability and the wider disability sector.
Ministry of Health Intensive Wraparound
Our Ministry of Health Intensive Wraparound service involves creating a range of flexible and tailored supports for children and young people.
My Business Starter
The Disability Business Network runs a starter programme for disabled people, on behalf of CCS Disability Action, called My Business Starter that takes place on Zoom over five fortnightly sessions.
Supported Lifestyles
Supported Lifestyles is a range of flexible services that are created around a person’s needs or aspirations.
Supported Living Services
If you are aged between 16 and 65 our Supported Living Services can be tailored to your support needs and goals.
Transition Services
Support for young people who are between 16 and 21 years of age and are thinking about leaving school in the next year or two.
Very High Needs Service
Practical support to live a full, everyday life. Our Very High Needs Service works with people who are between 16 and 65.
Working with whānau
Tihewa mauri ora kia tātou. We provide support, information and advocacy for whānau hauā, tamariki and taitamariki across Aotearoa using kaupapa Māori principles.