Mobility Parking

Note: The CCS Disability Action Whangārei Office will be closed on Fridays until further notice. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Applications and renewals

Having a medical condition or disability does not automatically entitle you to a mobility parking permit.

You are eligible if you meet the following criteria:

  1. You are unable to walk and always require the use of a wheelchair, or

  2. Your ability to walk distances is severely restricted by a medical condition or disability. For example, if you require the use of mobility aids, experience severe pain or breathlessness, or

  3. You have a medical condition or disability that requires you to have physical contact or close supervision to safely get around and cannot be left unattended. For example, if you experience disorientation, confusion, or severe anxiety.

Your medical practitioner needs to confirm your eligibility unless you are renewing a long-term permit.

If you would like help completing your Mobility Parking permit application, please get in touch. We would be happy to support you through this process.

The Mobility Parking hub has a dedicated phone number. Please phone 0800 662 7275 (0800 MOB PARK) to get in touch with one of our friendly team.

Alternatively, please email

A proud history of campaigning for Mobility Parking users

This is a tremendous help and meant an awful lot to keep me from being dependent on other people.” 

– Annaleen, Mobility Parking Permit user.

After many years of planning and campaigning for a nationwide scheme of local parking concessionary schemes, CCS Disability Action announced in 1976 that their idea for a national scheme had been taken up and developed by the Minister of Transport at the time, Ross Palmer.

“Operation Mobility” was a unique idea designed around the needs of the individual who carried their concession into whatever vehicle they were in.

The scheme was launched at the Beehive on September 30,1977. Since these early beginnings, when 2,447 permits were issued in the first three months, CCS Disability Action has administered the mobility parking scheme. Today, there are now over 170,000 mobility parking permit holders in New Zealand, with a dedicated team based in Christchurch.

Mobility parking exists because people depend on it to access their local community. Permit holders pay for the right to use mobility parking spaces, but misuse is common. In fact, research conducted by CCS Disability Action suggests that nearly one-third of users of these designated spaces don’t have a permit to do so legally.

In 2009 we successfully campaigned to raise the fine for abuse to $150. After many years of campaigning a further increase to $750 will take effect in October 2024. This significantly higher fine will make a real difference for permit holders by making Kiwis think twice about whether abusing the scheme is worth the risk.

Unfortunately, lack of enforcement by local authorities means that fines alone aren’t enough to stop the misuse of these parking spaces, so we continue to campaign to improve enforcement.

We also advocate for local and national policies that ensure all people’s rights are upheld. This mahi receives no government funding, so we rely on donations to continue this work. If you would like to support us, donate today.

If you’re interested in hearing more about CCS Disability Action, join our mailing list here.

Frequently asked questions

  • CCS Disability Action is the largest disability support and advocacy organisation for all impairments, in New Zealand. We were founded in 1935, and provide direct support to around 5,000 children, young people, and adults through our 17 branches across New Zealand.

    We also run the nationwide mobility parking permit scheme, helping over 170,000 people to access their communities more easily. We also advocate for local and national policies that ensure all people’s rights are upheld.

    Our vision is for every disabled person and whānau hauā to be interwoven into the lives of their whānau and community.

  • Who can get a mobility parking permit?

    You can find the eligibility criteria here. When people apply for a permit, they must pass a strict process to get approval from their doctor. There are many reasons why a person may have a mobility parking permit – you can’t tell by looking at someone if they live with impairments that impact on their mobility.

    Where can I get a hardcopy of an application form? 

    Your medical centre should have them available, or you can contact the Mobility Parking Office on 0800 662 7275 to have one posted to you.

    How long will it take to get my permit?

    We do three print runs of new permits per week. Permits are then sent via standard NZ Post and this can take up to two weeks to arrive.

    I paid for my Mobility Parking Permit renewal weeks ago, why haven't I got a permit yet?

    If you paid online but have not sent back your renewal form, we have been unable to process your permit application. Please contact the Mobility Parking Office on 0800 662 7275.

    Can my physiotherapist or other health practitioner authorise my Mobility Parking Permit? 

    No. Only a Medical Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner can authorise a Mobility Parking Permit. The application process requires a NZMC/NZNC registration number is required.

    Is there something I can use until my Mobility Parking Permit arrives? 

    Parking wardens only accept a valid Mobility Parking Permit. No copies, receipts or letters can be used in place of a valid permit. 

    Where do I post my application to?

    All posted applications need to be posted to Mobility Parking Permit Hub, CCS Disability Action, PO Box 267, Christchurch 8140.

    Please do not post your form to your local CCS Disability Action branch.

    Can I email my application form? 

    Yes. Please email pages individually as original size to  If you have our email address correct you will receive an automated confirmation email.

    Can I have my permit couriered to me? 

    No. Mobility Parking Permits are sent via standard NZ Post.

    Can I get a second permit as I have two vehicles?

    No, you will need to display your permit in any vehicle you are using.

    I have lost my permit, how do I replace it?

    Please contact us on 0800 662 7275 to report your missing permit and organise a replacement.  There is a replacement fee.

    How do I renew my Mobility Parking Permit?

    If you hold a long term permit, we will send you a renewal letter the month before your permit is due to expire.  If not received, please contact us on 0800 662 7275 or

    If you hold a short term permit, you will need to return to your doctor to have a new application authorised.

    Can I change a Mobility Parking permit into my name?

    No, they cannot be transferred, or shared.

  • How can I pay for my permit?

    This information is on page three of the application form. You can pay by debit or credit card or you can do an online payment via internet banking. Cash or Eftpos payments need to be done in person at your local CCS Disability Action office. You can find a full list of our branches at:

    Please note: you cannot pay via your Post Office, AA or your local council.

    When do I need to pay for my permit?

    Your application is considered approved once your doctor has authorised it. Please make payment when you send your form through. We will then get your permit printed and sent to you.

    Can I send cash in the post?

    We do not recommend sending cash through the post, and this would be at your own risk. 

    I would like to add a donation to my mobility parking permit payment. How can I do that?

    It’s easy to add a donation to your Mobility parking permit payment. On the Payments page of the application form you can add a donation amount and confirm the new total payment. Your donation receipt will be sent separately to your Mobility Parking permit, which is issued at a later date, as there is a special printing process to issue the permit.

    If you’d like to give separately to your permit payment, you can donate securely on our website.

    Where do my donations to CCS Disability Action go?

    All donations support our work with disabled people and their whānau. Your gift will go where funds are needed most by your local branch. We aim to keep admin costs as low as possible. Just 7% is spent on administration each year.

    You can read about our impact in stories from people we support.

  • Can I use my permit in a Parent & Babies carpark space?

    No, you cannot park in these spaces with a parking permit. Parents and caregivers cannot use mobility parks without a valid mobility parking permit.

    Can I park my Mobility Scooter in a mobility parking space?

    No, a scooter is not a registered vehicle.

    My family member has passed away, can I use their card? 

    No. A Mobility Parking Permit is authorised by a Medical Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner to only be used by that individual.

    Can I use my mobility parking permit if I am not using my car or no longer drive.

    Yes, you can use your Mobility Parking Permit in any vehicle you are getting in and out of.  Your permit belongs to you not a vehicle.

    Can I use a Mobility Park if I’m staying in the vehicle?

    No. The Mobility Parks can be used if the permit holder is leaving the vehicle. 

    Can my driver stay in the vehicle in a Mobility Park with a Mobility Parking Permit displayed?

    Yes, if the permit holder is leaving/returning to the vehicle the Mobility Park can be used.

    Do I have to pay to use pay and display car parks?

    Yes, your Mobility Parking Permit allows you to access the accessible parks, but you still need to pay what ever the costs are indicated in that parking area.  Please contact your local council for concessions in your area. 

    How long can I park for?

    Please adhere to the sign for that park.  There are some concessions for standard parks, please contact your local council for concession details.

    How should I store my permit when I am not parking?

    Please remove your permit from your mirror before driving your vehicle. Some drivers have been fined for driving with a permit still hanging from the car’s vision mirror.

  • I have seen someone parked in an illegal space. What can CCS Disability Action do about it?

    CCS Disability Action does not enforce Mobility Parking permits. Parking is monitored either by Local Territorial Authorities (councils) and private car park owners (such as supermarkets, shopping malls) are responsible for enforcing the correct use of mobility parking spaces.

    Please report any misuse you observe to the authority who owns the carpark.

    We advise people not to approach the car owner of any vehicle seen to be abusing Mobility Parking Spaces. This can lead to heated arguments and, in the past, has led to injury.

    What is the fine for using a Mobility Park without displaying a valid permit?

    The current fine up to $150 and this is set in legislation. This will increase on 1 October 2024 and will rise to $750.

    CCS Disability Action has advocated for an increase in this fine with successive governments for many years and we are pleased that our efforts have made a positive difference. We believe increased fines, will decrease mobility parking abuse – based on international evidence.