
Free membership for existing members until 2025

The CCS Disability Action National Board have voted to extend all memberships that expired 30 June 2024 until 30 June 2025, due to the Governance Structure Review proposal. This will be voted on at the Branch AGMs and National AGM 2024. You can find out more about this review here. If you are new to CCS Disability Action and would like the opportunity to vote, please register as a member below.

Become a CCS Disability Action member

As a member, you can have a voice in the way CCS Disability Action carries out its role and serves the disability community.

You also receive the following benefits:

  • Access to our low-cost, fully accessible holiday homes.

  • Newsletters that keep you up to date on what’s happening in the disability sector.

  • Annual AGM newsletter focusing on governance and the AGM schedule.

  • A vote at your local branch Annual General Meetings and/or Special General Meetings.

  • The opportunity to join our local governance groups.

You can choose to become an annual member for $20. Membership is free for the people we support.

One year’s membership is from July 1 to June 30 the following year. All memberships expire on June 30.

How do you want to pay?

Frequently asked questions about membership

Membership regulations are guided by the CCS Disability Action constitution. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about CCS Disability Action membership.

Who can be a member of CCS Disability Action?

Anyone can be a member of CCS Disability Action.

There are two types of CCS Disability Action membership. These are free membership and paid membership.

Free membership applies to:

  • All people who receive disability support services from CCS Disability Action. Membership is free while a person is receiving support.

  • People given branch, national, or honorary life membership for services provided to CCS Disability Action or to the disability sector.

Paid membership applies to anyone who pays an annual membership fee of $20 per year.

Membership is individual. It is for one person, not for a group of people such as a family.

How do I become a member of CCS Disability Action?

Free membership

If you receive disability support services from CCS Disability Action, you are automatically added as a member of your local branch. This begins when your support starts and is active while you receive services. If you don’t want to be a member, let your local branch know so that they can update our records.

To receive branch life membership, the branch needs to nominate you for this award. This is then voted on at the local branch AGM.

To receive national life membership, nominations are sent from local branches to the CCS Disability Action National Board. These are considered by the board and then voted on at the national AGM.

Paid membership

If you don’t receive support from us, but want to become a member, you can do this through the payment options above.

You become a member of your local branch, in the area where you live.

Membership can be paid for 1 year. Memberships expire on 30 June.

What does it cost to become a member?

Membership is free for:

  • People who receive disability support services from CCS Disability Action.

  • People who are branch, national life, or national honorary life members.

Membership is $20 per year for everyone else.

How long does a membership run for?

Membership runs for one year. CCS Disability Action is currently no longer accepting two and five year memberships, due to our current governance review. You can read more about our review on the ‘Governance Review section of our website’. This will be reviewed, following the outcome of the review.

What are the benefits of being a member of CCS Disability Action?

  • Access to our low-cost, fully accessible holiday homes.

  • Newsletters that keep you up to date on what’s happening in the disability sector.

  • Annual AGM newsletter focusing on governance and the AGM schedule.

  • A vote at your local branch Annual General Meetings and/or Special General Meetings.

  • The opportunity to join our local governance groups.

How do I receive information from CCS Disability Action if I am a member?

In order to keep our operating costs as low as possible, if we have an email address from you on file, you will receive information from us by email. If we do not have an email address on file, we will send you information by post.

If you would like to change how you receive communications from us, you can do this here on our website: You can also contact your local branch. A list of branch contacts can be found here:

When do you stop being a member of CCS Disability Action?

You stop being a member of CCS Disability Action when:

  • You stop receiving disability support services from CCS Disability Action.

  • Your membership has expired and you haven’t paid a new membership fee.

Because membership is individual, it cannot be transferred to anyone else when you pass away.

What happens if you move to somewhere else?

If you move, please let us know so we can update our records.

You can do this here on our website: You can also contact your local branch. A list of branch contacts can be found here:

We will need your current address and your new address. We will transfer your membership to the branch that is closest to your new location.

If you would prefer not to change your branch membership, but would like to change your address, please let us know.

Updating your branch membership does not cost anything. You will continue to receive all the benefits of membership until your membership expires, or you no longer receive services from us.

What happens to my branch life membership if I move?

Branch life membership is for life. This means that you are eligible to vote at that branch AGM until you pass away.

Branch life membership is not transferrable to another branch.

If you want to be able to vote at the AGM in the area you are moving to, you will need to join that branch as a new member by paying a $20 per year membership fee.

What is an Annual General Meeting (AGM)?

Each branch of CCS Disability Action, including the national organisation, is an Incorporated Society. The Incorporated Societies Act 2022 states that: “Societies must hold at least one general meeting each year – its Annual General Meeting (AGM).”

AGMs generally deal with standard business. This includes:

  • Approving the minutes of the previous AGM.

  • Approving the audited financial statements of the society.

  • Approving the Annual Report.

  • Voting on an auditor and lawyer for the coming year.

  • Voting on local governance committee nominations for membership.

  • Voting on life membership nominations.

  • Voting on remits (changes to the Constitution) as provided.

When are AGMs held?

Branch AGMs are held from end of October through to mid-November each year. The national AGM is held end of November/early December each year.

What is a Special General Meeting (SGM)?

When there is something that needs to be voted on before the AGMs are held, a Special General Meeting can be called.

Who can attend an AGM and/or SGM?

Anyone is welcome to attend AGMs and SGMs, but only those who have voting rights can vote.

Who can vote at branch AGMs and/or SGMs?

  • People who have up to date paid membership.

  • People who receive services/support from CCS Disability Action (free membership).

  • People who have branch or national life membership.

National honorary members do not have voting rights.

Who can vote at the national AGM and/or SGM?

Only branch-appointed delegates can vote at the national AGM and/or SGM. National honorary life members and individual members do not have voting rights.

Members can vote at their local branch AGM. When there is a vote on a nationally significant issue, the branch vote is taken to the national AGM by a branch delegate. This person is appointed at the branch AGM.

Is there a minimum voting age?

There is no minimum voting age.

There may be situations where children have free membership of the branch because they receive disability support services from CCS Disability Action.

In this situation, we will actively support children to understand what they are being asked to vote on so that they can make an informed vote at the meeting, either in person or via a proxy vote.

If children are not able to understand what they are being asked to vote on, their parents or caregivers may vote on behalf of their child, noting that this is one vote per member (being the child).

What are proxy votes?

If you would like to exercise your voting rights at an AGM or SGM and are not able to attend in person or online, you can do this through filling out a proxy form.

On the form, you tick whether you are in favour, or against what is being voted on. Then you name another member of the branch or the Chairperson of the AGM/SGM to vote on your behalf.

All proxy votes must be received before the AGM/SGM starts and can be posted or emailed to the branch (branch AGMs/SGMs) or national organisation if you are the nominated representative of a branch (national AGMs/SGMs).

Proxy votes received are recorded in the meeting minutes, along with the name of the member and their vote.

What is a quorum?

Meetings where voting takes place require a minimum number of people present for the meeting to proceed. This can either be in person, online, or through receipt of proxy votes. The minimum number of people required is called a quorum.

The required quorum are:

  • Branch AGM/SGM quorum: 12 members.

  • National AGM/SGM quorum: 6 members.