Where funds are needed most

Our current appeals

Whether you give a little or a lot, you contribute to our mahi, supporting 5,000 disabled people and their families. We also assist many more through schemes like the Mobility Parking permit scheme, which helps over 170,000 people access their local communities.

Founded in 1935, we partner with disabled people, their families and whānau to enable them to have choice and control in their lives. We also support local communities to become disability aware, engaged, physically accessible, and inclusive. Support from caring Kiwis lets us deliver quality services that are unique:

  • We visit people in their homes and local community - even the remote ones.

  • Enhancing mana. We tailor supports to individuals – supporting disabled people to increase the control and choice they have in their lives.

  • We are the largest disability support provider for people with all impairment types in New Zealand.

Our current appeals need your support. Please donate, or share with your friends and family to spread the word:

Make a big impact with a monthly gift

If you’d like to spread your donation across the year, a monthly gift is easy to setup. Get behind our caring team with a regular donation. We rely on donations like these to help us provide quality services in a way that works for disabled people and their whānau. Just 7% is spent on administration each year.

How your donation makes a positive difference in your community:

Woman with long red hair and woman with short grey hair, laughing.

$39 a month - $1.28/day

Funds transport for our team to visit people we support.

This means people in remote areas don’t miss out.

Brunette man and woman smiling together.

$49 a month - $1.61/day

Delivers an hour of direct community support.

Advocacy and support with everyday tasks like shopping or cooking.

Young girl with glasses in school environment, smiling.

$59 a month - $1.91/day

Funds staff time to support disabled children.

This is different for every child. One example is applying for teacher aide funding.

As part of our team of supporters, you’ll receive quarterly updates that show how your donations make an impact!

You can update the day of the month that you give, and the amount you give at any time, please get in touch.

If you have any questions about monthly giving, you can learn more in our frequently asked questions for donors.

Providing back up for families

It’s an unfair reality that families don’t always get the support their disabled child is entitled to. Some agencies and schools can be hard to deal with. Your gift can help us give support that meets each family’s needs.

For Isaiah’s family, backup from community support coordinator Joel during medical assessments and school meetings meant the Auckland family could “get things done and figure things out for Isaiah”.

Read Isaiah’s story.

Our teams provide backup by sharing their knowledge. We support mums like Carissa to get the best support for their child, and to know their rights.

Having an ally like Joel can give kids like Isaiah vital support.

Could you support our mahi with a gift of $25? Help kids like Isaiah with a donation today.

Ariel smiling in class.

Supporting disabled children

44% of the people we support are children aged 16 and under. Read about Ariel’s journey with mainstream education to see the impact of our work supporting kids. Ariel’s Mum explains the positive transformation that the right support had for her family. To support our work with disabled children please donate today.

Living independently

Our work is focused on enabling disabled people to have full control and choice in their lives. We tailor our services to every person’s individual needs. Chrissy and Mandy’s story is a great example of our unique approach.

Mandy and Chrissy sitting together on the sofa in their home.

Mandy and Chrissy at home. Read their story.

Chrissy and Mandy may be cousins, but the inseparable pair are more like sisters. The two women have lived in Manawatū for much of their lives, sometimes with family and, for Mandy, sometimes in residential care. Now, with the support of our team, they live together in a family-owned property in Feilding.

Mandy previously lived in residential care, an environment which can impact on day-to-day choice and freedoms for some people. To enable her to live independently, CCS Disability Action organised a team of support workers who live with the pair 24/7. “I like it a lot better here. I get treated really well.” Mandy says.

“Chrissy and Mandy are very close. They’ve been a big part of each other’s lives for a long time. It’s great that we’ve been able to put some support around them so they can live together in a way that works for them,” says service coordinator Sharleen.

We rely on donations to provide our services in a way that really works for disabled people. Our teams provide direct support to over 5,000 adults and children across Aotearoa New Zealand. Could you support our mahi with a gift of $25? Your gift can create positive change for people like Chrissy and Mandy.

Image of Tracy smiling.

We all have the right to meaningful employment

Read Tracy’s story about finding a job she loves. Our teams work every day to connect disabled people with inclusive workplaces and remove barriers in our local communities. Tracy’s journey took a fantastic team effort.

Disabled people have the same right to work as other Kiwis, however many face barriers - often through others’ attitudes - that prevent them from accessing the workplace and having control over their income. If you’d like to support our mahi, please donate today.

We rely on donations to fund transport to remote areas – so no one misses out on support.

Wherever we’re needed

Meet Brent, a legally blind cartoonist and teacher who challenges perceptions of disability and connects with people through his art.

With limited public transport in his hometown of Oamaru, our team assists Brent in getting to his work and doing everyday tasks, like shopping for supplies.

We visit the people we support in their homes and communities.

For disabled people who live in remote parts of New Zealand, we can be the only service provider for their area. We rely on donations to fund transport to remote areas.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about donating to CCS Disability Action please contact us:

0800 227 200 or 04 801 0851 (DDI)
