CCS Disability Action Learning

Offering unparalleled knowledge of disability and access issues in New Zealand

As New Zealand’s largest disability support provider, CCS Disability Action has been supporting people with all types of impairments across Aotearoa for over 80 years. Together with our accessible housing division Lifemark and BarrierFree, our division for access in the built environment, we offer unparalleled experience and knowledge of disability and accessibility issues.


What we offer

Discover the needs of New Zealand’s largest ‘minority’ group

CCS Disability Action’s training aims to equip businesses and public sector employees with an understanding of disabled people’s needs across various contexts. This diverse group constitutes nearly a quarter of New Zealand’s population.

Inclusion in the workplace is pivotal for organisations, resulting in improved decision-making, faster product innovation, increased employee satisfaction, and expanded market share. By fostering an inclusive environment, companies not only attract top talent but also enhance productivity and contribute to positive societal change.

Additionally, integrating accessibility considerations into the built and urban environment ensures equitable access for all.

Enjoy tailored learning to meet your needs

CCS Disability Action, Lifemark and BarrierFree can deliver in-person training across New Zealand that is tailored to your organisation’s requirements. Our experienced facilitators create a fun and engaging environment pitched perfectly to the needs of your team.

Alternatively, you can register for our existing e-learning modules or work with our friendly team to create a customised e-learning programme.

A credible programme developed and delivered by disabled people

Our disability awareness and accessibility training has been co-designed by disabled people and will give you the tools you need to unlock the potential within your organisation. By fostering an inclusive environment, you can tap into a wider talent pool, meet your legal and regulatory obligations, enhance team engagement, and improve customer satisfaction. Our accessibility expertise can help you create more inclusive public and private spaces.

So, join us and equip your organisation with the knowledge to build a more inclusive society that values every individual.

Having received numerous compliments recently, I can explicitly attest to the effectiveness of the training module. The comprehensive content and engaging delivery demonstrated a deep understanding of the particulars surrounding disability awareness. Your expertise and commitment to fostering a more inclusive environment were evident throughout, leaving a lasting impact on all participants. Thank you for delivering a training program that not only met but exceeded our expectations.
— Ranga Perumbuli Arachchige, General Manager Operations, Central North Island, Kinetic

Why choose our training?

  1. Tailored Learning Experience: Our training can be customised to meet your specific needs, or you can choose from our existing programmes. This flexibility ensures that the learning experience is relevant and effective for your organisation.

  2. Understanding Disability: One in four New Zealanders identify as disabled. It’s crucial for businesses and the public sector to understand the needs of these people to create an inclusive environment. Our training provides insights into the experiences of disabled people, helping your team develop knowledge and understanding.

  3. Expertise and Experience: As New Zealand’s largest disability support and advocacy provider, CCS Disability Action has been supporting people with all types of impairments across Aotearoa for over 80 years. Our unique point of difference lies in our extensive experience and deep understanding of disability and accessibility issues.

  4. Best Practices in Learning: Our training incorporate best practices, ensuring an engaging and effective learning experience. We make it easy to navigate, interactive, and provide clear learning outcomes. Our in-person workshops are delivered by experienced facilitators, who are passionate and knowledgeable.

Join us in our mission to create a more inclusive New Zealand. Empower your team with the knowledge and understanding to better serve all customers and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace and physical environment. Contact us today to learn more about our disability awareness and accessibility training.

Building a culture or physical environment that is inclusive of disabled people has major strategic and commercial benefits for business and the public sector alike, allowing you to create better relationships with all stakeholders, including customers.

Existing learners

All learners who are registered with us are provided a login link, username and password.

If you do not have this information, please contact your organisation’s training coordinator to request these details. Alternatively, you can contact CCS Disability Action at:


Frequently asked questions

What is the purpose of your disability awareness and accessibility training service?

Our training service aims to promote understanding and empathy towards disabled individuals and to ensure that businesses and organisations are equipped to provide accessible and inclusive environments for everyone.

Who can benefit from this training?

Our training is designed for businesses and private and public sector organisations in New Zealand. It's beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of disability awareness and accessibility, including managers, HR professionals, customer service staff, and employees at all levels.

How is the training conducted?

The training is conducted through interactive workshops, online modules, and practical exercises. We tailor our approach based on the specific needs and requirements of your organisation.

What topics does the training cover?

The training covers a range of topics including understanding different types of impairments, legal obligations under the New Zealand Human Rights Act, best practices for accessibility, communication strategies, and creating an inclusive workplace culture.

How can this training benefit our organisation?

This training can help your organisation foster a more inclusive and diverse workplace, improve customer service, meet legal obligations, assist you in understanding and creating universally designed environments and enhance your reputation as a socially responsible entity.

Do you provide any resources or materials as part of the training?

Yes, we provide a variety of resources including handouts, guides, and online materials that you can refer to after the training.

How can we book a training session?

You can book a training session by contacting us through our website or via email. We will work with you to schedule a session that suits your organisation's needs.

How can our team get involved and show support for CCS Disability Action?

There are lots of ways you can partner with us and show support four our mahi. Find out more here.

Two women taking the course in front of a laptop

Unlock the potential of inclusive practices with our interactive online taster course. This is designed to provide a glimpse into our comprehensive disability awareness and accessibility training modules.

Experience our approach: Get a feel for our engaging and informative online training approach.

Flexibility: Explore the content at your own pace and discuss it with others in your team.

Customisation: Learn how our courses can be tailored to meet your unique organisational needs.

Key features of the eLearning:

  • Video stories of disabled leaders sharing their experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Accessibility features including videos featuring New Zealand Sign Language interpreters, as well as video transcripts.
  • Interactive activities using knowledge checks and flip cards.
  • Content is created by disabled leaders from New Zealand.
  • Content can be adapted to include your organisation’s brand’s look and feel and tone and link to your key strategic documents.
Would you like to learn more?

Frequently asked questions

What is the purpose of your disability awareness and accessibility training service?

Our training service aims to promote understanding and empathy towards disabled individuals and to ensure that businesses and organisations are equipped to provide accessible and inclusive environments for everyone.

Who can benefit from this training?

Our training is designed for businesses and private and public sector organisations in New Zealand. It's beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of disability awareness and accessibility, including managers, HR professionals, customer service staff, and employees at all levels.

How is the training conducted?

The training is conducted through interactive workshops, online modules, and practical exercises. We tailor our approach based on the specific needs and requirements of your organisation.

What topics does the training cover?

The training covers a range of topics including understanding different types of impairments, legal obligations under the New Zealand Human Rights Act, best practices for accessibility, communication strategies, and creating an inclusive workplace culture.

How can this training benefit our organisation?

This training can help your organisation foster a more inclusive and diverse workplace, improve customer service, meet legal obligations, assist you in understanding and creating universally designed environments and enhance your reputation as a socially responsible entity.

Do you provide any resources or materials as part of the training?

Yes, we provide a variety of resources including handouts, guides, and online materials that you can refer to after the training.

How can we book a training session?

You can book a training session by contacting us through our website or via email. We will work with you to schedule a session that suits your organisation's needs.

How can our team get involved and show support for CCS Disability Action?

There are lots of ways you can partner with us and show support four our mahi. Find out more here.