Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift in your will

Many people have charities and causes that they support throughout their lives. After you have provided for family and friends in your estate, a gift in your will can continue your support for the causes you care about, leaving a legacy that helps people and communities thrive. A gift in your will can be large or small, they are left by people from all walks of life.

These legacy gifts support our work with disabled people and their whānau. Making a will can give peace of mind, ensuring your wishes are recorded.

As a charity, we rely on the generosity of the many New Zealanders who choose to make donations or leave a gift in their will. We acknowledge these in our Annual Report, to celebrate our kind supporters that have left a legacy, supporting our work in their community, or where funds are needed most.

Bequests are an important source of funding for us. They can unlock important projects and services that are challenging to fund on top of our ongoing operational costs. Your gift can be directed to where funds are needed most, or to your nominated branch.

Detailed instructions can be found below for the wording you can use to leave a gift in your will to CCS Disability Action, plus a list of the legal name and charity number for our branches.

Giving pathways

There are many different options to explore when leaving a gift in your will:

John D Gilmore gave in memory of his late wife, Lucenia. Over 65 years later, his vision lives on.

A gift in your will can be a set dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a selected property.

In 1957 John D Gilmore generously gifted a property in Queenstown, plus supporting funds, to our Southland branch in memory of his late wife, Mrs Lucenia Edith Gilmore.

His vision was to create a family holiday home for disabled people, a vision which still lives on, over 65 years later.

After many years of use as a holiday home, the original Queenstown property was sold and with proceeds from that sale, Gilmore Lodge in Arrowtown was purchased.

The family holiday home which John D Gilmore envisaged is a single story, 3 bedroom home in a picturesque setting. The property is fully fenced, with a sunny outdoor area and alpine views.

This beautiful get away is available for CCS Disability Action members to book, providing an accessible holiday home at a reasonable rate.

We had a great stay at the house. Our son with autism loved the place - his room, his own bathroom, Arrowtown, the walks, and the gondola. We are all keen to go back!
We feel very lucky to be able to go to these houses.
— The Atkinson/Hull family on their stay at Gilmore Lodge.

How to leave a gift in your will

Your will is an opportunity to ensure your wishes are recorded. As writing your will is an important task, it is a good idea to discuss your wishes with your trusted family and friends and seek the advice of a solicitor or trustee company.

If you would like to leave a gift to CCS Disability Action, your gift can be:

  • The residue of your estate after you provide for your family and friends.

  • A set dollar amount or selected property.

  • A percentage of your estate.

If you already have a will, you can choose to add a codicil that provides a bequest to CCS Disability Action.

Example wording for your will:

I bequeath to CCS Disability Action Inc. (or name your local branch), for the general purposes of the Society, (a specified share of the residue / or the sum of / or percentage of your estate / or a specified bequest) and declare that the receipt of the authorised officer of the Society shall be good and sufficient discharge for my Trustee(s).

What happens next?

If you choose to leave a gift in your will to CCS Disability Action, we would love to know.

It would give us a chance to say thank you and make sure you are on our mailing list, if you would like to be. You will then receive our regular newsletters sharing the stories of how support like yours improves the quality of life for many Kiwis. We can also discuss the recognition you might like to receive for your support, or your anonymity, should you prefer that.

Support our mahi into the future with a gift in your free online will from Gathered Here

Interested in supporting CCS Disability Action in your online will? We’ve partnered with Gathered Here to offer our supporters a free online will.  

Writing a will can reduce emotional and financial stress on your loved ones and bring peace of mind that your wishes are recorded. One of the most impactful ways you can support our work with disabled people is by pledging a gift in your will.  

We know that traditional estate planning can be costly and time consuming, but you can write your will for free, today, through Gathered Here. Your will can also be updated, for free, as many times as you like.

In just 10 minutes, you can make important preparations for your family and pledge a gift to a cause you care about. Your gift makes a phenomenal difference, helping us to provide direct support to over 5,000 disabled adults and children.

The Gathered Here online will is flexible and suits simple estates. You can appoint executors, appoint guardians for children under the age of 18, appoint guardians for pets, leave specific money or personal items, divide your residual estate amongst beneficiaries, leave personal messages for loved ones and specify your funeral wishes.

More complex estates, where you may have more than one property, or assets in trusts, or complex wishes may not be the best fit. The team at Gathered Here can provide advice on whether a bespoke will may be more suitable for your circumstances.

Get started on your free online will today, at https://www.gatheredhere.com/nz/c/ccsdisabilityaction.

How a gift in your will helps community development projects and brings positive change

A small percentage of legacy gifts left to CCS Disability Action goes to the Mainstream First Fund. Four percent of each gift goes to the fund, to resource projects where CCS Disability Action can contribute to “changing the world” for Aotearoa and disabled people.

Community development projects that have been funded through the Mainstream First Fund recently include:

Language Matters - Producing resources and online panel discussions that explore a variety of topics on how language choices can impact disabled people.

Project SEARCH Aotearoa – CCS Disability Action helped to fund Project SEARCH in Canterbury from 2020-2022 and also provided a direct support to participants. A one-year programme based at Burwood Hospital, Project SEARCH provides young disabled people the skills they need to enter the workforce with confidence. Designed to break down barriers to employment, the programme sees each intern work across three 10-week placements to explore a variety of career paths. A number of graduates have gone on to gain paid employment.

The CCS Disability Action Fund

There are many giving pathways when you consider a legacy gift.

In partnership with Perpetual Guardian the CCS Disability Action Fund, under the umbrella of the Perpetual Guardian Foundation, was created in February 2018. The Fund consolidated several small named trusts and other donors, who together created a community of donors leaving funds for CCS Disability Action.

Combining these funds not only created efficiency by reducing administration costs but has also improved returns to our organisation annually. Income from the Fund is carefully allocated in accordance with each of the underlying wishes determined by the original donors, for example to specific CCS Disability Action branches and purposes around New Zealand.

We rely on legacy funds like these as government contract income does not meet the costs of providing our services, directly supporting 5,000 disabled adults and children across New Zealand.

If you would like to become a part of the community of donors supporting CCS Disability Action Fund through the Perpetual Guardian Foundation partnership fund, you may like to donate to the Fund now, or as a gift in your will.

Gifts to the Fund will be held at Perpetual Guardian in a named fund under the CCS Disability Action Fund. Distributions will then be made according to your wishes, allowing you to support your local branch or for funds to go where they are needed most. If you’d like to find out more about leaving a legacy gift to the CCS Disability Action Fund, please email philanthropy@pgtrust.co.nz or phone 0800 87 87 82.

Fund for CCS Disability Action Waikato

Another example of legacy giving is an invested endowment fund dedicated to the Waikato region and growing local philanthropy, managed by Momentum Waikato.

The Fund for CCS Disability Action Waikato, previously known as The Gemini Trust, is now part of Momentum Waikato and generates investment income that supports CCS Disability Action Waikato. Giving through the fund means your gift can have an ongoing, inter-generational and transformational impact on the place where you live and give.

These funds help the branch to provide tailored support for disabled people across the region, and to provide scholarships for disabled people to attend The University of Waikato. Between 1995 and 2022 The Gemini Trust granted over $1 million in support.

This support makes a huge difference in the lives of disabled people and their whānau across the Waikato, Coromandel and King Country. You can visit the webpage for the fund to learn more or contact info@momentumwaikato.nz.

In Waikato, the George Bequest is changing lives

In 2022, CCS Disability Action Waikato Branch received a generous bequest from the late Brian George, from Waihi, to support disabled people in the Waikato region.

To maximize the impact of this bequest, the George Estate Committee was formed. Working with disabled people, disability funders, providers and other interested groups we identified gaps in support for the disabled community in Waikato and got to work on addressing these.

One of the new initiatives we have funded from the George bequest is The Equipment Fund. This fund will address the need for better access to essential mobility equipment and daily living aids for disabled people in Waikato.

The Equipment Fund aims to provide fast and easy access to equipment that will improve access, comfort or ease in everyday living for those who cannot afford to purchase it, with grants ranging from $100 to $7,500.

Your Way | Kia Roha administers the grants from The Equipment Fund through the Mobility Centre in Hamilton. For applicants to the fund, new equipment is improving everyday tasks and making a big difference.

The mirrors on my new scooter allow me to check traffic behind me before crossing the road. The non-functioning mirrors on the old one forced me to turn the scooter, to see. It is also a great relief not to wonder whether the scooter will have a failure en route!
— Fund recipient from Te Aroha

To find out more about how to apply for The Equipment Fund, please email: hamilton@mobilitycentre.co.nz

Leaving a gift for your local branch

The details for our local branches are below, if you would like to leave a gift in your will to benefit a specific region.

If you prefer to give where funds are needed most across all our branches, you can leave a gift in your will to our National office, CCS Disability Action Incorporated CC30070.

Local branch name and Charity registration numbers:

CCS Disability Action Auckland Incorporated CC23348

CCS Disability Action Bay Of Plenty Incorporated CC25810

CCS Disability Action Canterbury West Coast Incorporated CC29239

CCS Disability Action Manawatu/Horowhenua Incorporated CC31190

CCS Disability Action Nelson Marlborough Incorporated CC28565

CCS Disability Action North Taranaki Incorporated CC30448

CCS Disability Action Northland Incorporated CC24019

CCS Disability Action Otago Incorporated CC24042

CCS Disability Action South And Central Taranaki Incorporated CC31166

CCS Disability Action South Canterbury Incorporated CC33271

CCS Disability Action Southland Incorporated CC24296

CCS Disability Action Tairawhiti Hawkes Bay Incorporated CC27231

CCS Disability Action Waikato Incorporated CC25395

CCS Disability Action Wairarapa Incorporated CC39624

CCS Disability Action Waitaki Incorporated CC23914

CCS Disability Action (Wellington Branch) Incorporated CC31431

CCS Disability Action Whanganui Incorporated CC54863

Contact us

Thank you for considering CCS Disability Action in your will. If you’d like to discuss a gift in your will in confidence, please contact Victoria Corey, National Fundraising Advisor at: donate@ccsDisabilityAction.org.nz.