Become a
Foster Carer

About becoming a foster carer

Caregivers play a hugely important role for disabled children and young people who need a safe and loving home-away-from-home.

This care can range from short periods of time to more full-time or long-term care options. There are a number of different caregiving options. What will suit you best will depend on the needs of you and your family and whānau.

We have two beautiful children, but always felt we wanted more. The child we care for fits in like family. I can check in with CCS Disability Action whenever I have questions or need support. I feel so privileged to be able to provide a safe haven for someone who needs one. If you’re thinking about becoming a caregiver, do it!
— Nat, Caregiver for CCS Disability Action

Short Term Care

Short term care, known as ‘respite’ care gives families some much needed break, while children enjoy new experiences and relationship in a safe stable environment. As a caregiver, your support plays an important part in keeping families connected for the long term.

Full Time & Long Term Care

Some children require a more full time or long term solution within a family home environment. Being the caregiver provides these children with a chance to be part of a family environment and to stay connected to important parts of their life including school, friends and local community.

Becoming a Foster Caregiver

Welcoming a child into your home is a big commitment. It can also be a deeply rewarding experience for you and your family and whānau. To help decide whether it is right for you, we encourage you to consider the following:

  • How flexible is your existing schedule?

  • What will be the impact on your existing family unit?

  • What level of care are you in a position to offer?

  • How much support do you have in your life?

Our role in supporting caregivers

CCS Disability Action can support people who provide care for children and young people by offering the following:

  • Working with potential caregivers to establish what type of care would work best for them.

  • Ensuring that all legal requirements are met and support is coordinated to ensure children receive high quality care.

  • Providing caregivers with excellent training, practical support and ongoing advocacy to ensure they are well equipped to handle any challenges.

  • Coordinating the disability-related supports, such as any required modifications or medical support needed for a child to thrive in their new environment.

If you’re interested in making a difference in a child’s life or would like more information, please get in touch today.

Enquire today


Emily Conway
Caregiver Recruitment Coordinator
CCS Disability Action, National Office

Phone number: 027 208 2496
Email address: