Update on governance review: August 2024

Kia ora koutou

We wanted to provide you with an update on the governance structure review that we've been completing recently, led by the CCS Disability Action National Board.

Feedback from local governance chairs

On the 20 June 2024, following our governance roadshow hui Ngā Rourou, we connected with the governance chairs from around the country in Christchurch.

This is something CCS Disability Action does every six months, and this time was an important opportunity to review what we found in the Ngā Rourou roadshows.

Richard Tate from Martin Jenkins, who we engaged to support us through the consultation period, Steven Moe, a lawyer who is working to provide legal advice on our structure and myself facilitated a conversation about the feedback we had received.

Governance chairs from different local committees around the country, members of the CCS Disability Action National Board, General Managers and key members of the National Leadership team were present.

The board provided three options to the governance forum, and the chairs who were there agreed to work on one of those options to develop further.

Working groups established

Currently there are four working groups established, focused on four different areas of work.
These are:

  1. Ensuring the voice of disabled people and families is embedded.

  2. Prudent management of assets and investments of the organisation.

  3. Governance and accountability structures to support the organisation moving forward.

  4. Transition – what would it take to move from what we're doing now to move to something different?

These four work streams are happening with the intention of creating the next piece of work before the end of August. At that point in time, we'll have something new to be able to share with you.

So we really look forward to your continued engagement in this journey. if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Dairne Kirton or myself. We're always more than happy to talk to anybody about what it is that's happening with the governance structure review.

So thank you and I look forward to updating you further at the end of August.

Thank you

And, finally, we wanted to say thank you to everyone who attended a Ngā Rourou governance hui event.

Ngā Rourou were about connecting with people that we serve and with people interested in what our governance structure could look like.

We connected with people in more than 20 places around New Zealand. It was fantastic to be able to meet people and to get to spend time with you all. Thank you for everything that you contributed, for the information you shared so graciously with us, and for being part of what CCS Disability Action will look like into the future.

Noho ora mai,
Mā te wā. Stay safe, stay well and stay in touch.

Dairne Kirton
National President, CCS Disability Action

Mel Smith
Chief Executive, CCS Disability Action


CCS Disability Action AGM dates 2024


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