National Board Remit for all Branch AGMs 2024

As part of the Governance Review all members of CCS Disability Action are invited to vote on the remit put forward by the CCS Disability Action National Board.

What is a remit?

The way CCS Disability Action branches and the National entity works is set out in our constitutions. These detail our rules, our purpose, the work we do and how we do it.

All CCS Disability Action branches have their own constitutions. These constitutions are the same. The National Entity, which is called CCS Disability Action Incorporated, has a separate constitution.

The rules, our purpose, what we do and how we operate as CCS Disability Action branches and the National Entity are set out in our constitutions. All branches have their own constitutions (which are the same for each branch), and the National Entity has a separate constitution.

To make a change to either of the constitutions, a remit must be provided to all members which is then voted on firstly at a branch Special General Meeting or AGM and then at the national Special General Meeting or AGM. The remit provides the wording for any change/s to the constitutions and an explanation about why the change/s is being suggested.

The process for suggesting a change to either of the constitutions is:

  1. Branches can submit a remit to their Local Advisory Committee or Local Committee for taking to and voting on at the branch Special General Meeting or AGM.

    1. The Local Advisory Committee or Local Committee chairs then submit the remit to the National Board for including in the national Special General Meeting or AGM where the final vote takes place.

  2. The National Board can submit a remit to branches for voting on at the branch Special General Meeting or AGM. The branch vote is then brought to the national Special General Meeting or AGM, where the remit is either approved or not.

If the remit is approved at the national Special General Meeting or AGM, this gives legal authority for the constitutions to be updated with the changes.  

The national board submits the following remit for inclusion in the agenda of all Branch AGMs 2024. The branch vote will then be brought to the National AGM to be held at 2pm on Thursday 5 December 2024 at the Sudima Christchurch Airport Hotel.

Information sessions on the remit

The CCS Disability Action National Board is running information sessions on the proposed new structure. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions or learn more, before branch AGMs.

You can find all the details of when these will be held here:

National Board Remit for all Branch AGMs 2024


  1. That the branch approves a transition to the structure and governance model proposed by the CCS Disability Action National Board, as shown in the diagram.

  2. That the branch acknowledges the proposed structure and governance model will mean that the existing branch entity will need to be wound up at the appropriate time indicated by the CCS Disability Action National Board in consultation with the branch.

  3. That the branch approves and gives the Local Executive Committee or Local Committee Finance Sub Committee authority to discuss with the CCS Disability Action National Board how the branch’s funds will be dealt with for the benefit of the branch’s region.

Supporting Statement/Explanation

The new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 has provided an opportunity for CCS Disability Action to consider its governance model and legal structure. CCS Disability Action is now a different organisation to what it was in the past and so has undergone a lengthy governance review process in order to consult and seek feedback on what governance model and legal structure will work best for CCS Disability Action moving forward to enable the charitable purposes to be advanced.

The supporting information and documentation is comprehensive and can be found:

  1. On the CCS Disability Action Website

  2. In the Annual Membership Newsletter 2024 sent out to all members week commencing 26 August 2024.

If you would like to receive a copy of the supporting information by email or post, please contact the National Executive Assistant: Irene Wilson, Executive Assistant P O Box 6349, Wellington 04 805 0081 027 801 0386

Signed Dairne Kirton, National President 23rd August 2024

Note: Your attention is drawn to Rule 12.1.d in the Rules of CCS Disability Action Inc relating to submitting remits. (National Constitution). 12.1(d) LACs or Local Committees are to deliver remits and recommendations in writing to the registered office of CCS Disability Action no later than 60 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Board shall give notice of remits and recommendations to all LACs 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.


Remit Information sessions


CCS Disability Action AGM dates 2024