Bernette Peters

National Manager Intensive Family Services

Portrait of Bernette Peters

Berne Peters is the National Manager for Intensive Family Service. She works with regions and branches to support young people receiving intensive supports through CCS Disability Action, either through Oranga Tamariki or the Ministry of Health. Her role is to support creative and individualised supports to meet the needs of the young person and their family, whānau or caregivers.

Berne believes that with ongoing transparent and open communication we can build solid relationships with the young person and their wider team, allowing us to create a plan together that best meets the needs required.

Berne has worked for CCS Disability Action for going on 11 years. The highlights of her work are the small steps taken every day that open up new opportunities to explore mainstream options, like attending mainstream schools and living with whānau in the community as opposed to group homes or residential-type services.

Berne’s main role is that of Mum to her two boys aged 18 and three. Children have always been her focus both personally and professionally, holding a degree in teaching (ECE) and a post graduate diploma in Early Intervention.


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