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Contract Board Caregivers – Wairarapa

Hours: Various

Job specific information

CCS Disability Action is committed to including all people within our communities; we highly value diversity and promote difference. We are seeking like-minded people to open their homes as caregivers to support disabled people, in the Marlborough area.

Contract board is a permanent arrangement where it is expected the person supported will become very much a part of your and your family’s life, as well as being involved in activities outside of your home. The support for this is reimbursed at a daily rate and the person will pay a market rate for Board as well.

CCS Disability Action will:

  • Work with you to establish the individual match that works best for you and your family.

  • Ensure that all legal requirements are met.

  • Provide you with training, practical support and ongoing information to ensure you are well equipped for the role.

  • Coordinate any required disability-related supports, modifications or medical support needed for a disabled person to thrive in their new environment.

How to apply

If you are interested in welcoming a disabled adult into your home on a long-term basis under Contract Board, please email your letter of application and CV to or call the Blenheim/Marlborough branch on 03 578 1170 or 0800 227 2255.

About us

CCS Disability Action builds our work around three core documents; the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the NZ Disability Strategy. We work within a Human Rights framework and are an EEO employer meaning we make accommodation and openly encourage people with lived experience of disability to apply.

16 February

Support Worker - Tauranga

2 August

Contract Board Caregivers