Election 2023 – Disability Issues Scorecard
CCS Disability Action and Disabled Persons Assembly NZ - DPA asked seven main political parties where they stand on key disability policies in the lead up to the 2023 General Election. We sent each party nine questions about policies that have been top of mind for disabled people recently.
We created a scorecard to show their responses to each question – yes (green tick), no (red cross), undecided (orange question mark), or did not respond (grey dash).
An accessible plain text and Word version of the scorecard, plus each party's short statement, are available on DPA’s Info Exchange.
You can scroll through the gallery below to see our visual scorecard designed for social media. This is available on our Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
We hope this is a valuable resource – sharing is encouraged!

Image description: Set of ten images, each with a light purple background. The first image is the scorecard, a table with icons representing the topic and each party's response, shaded in either green, red, orange, or grey. The other images are the scorecard separated by topic. Each image has a header and question, with the responses inside a white box with rounded corners and a purple icon indicating the topic at the top.