A tribute to Dame Tariana Turia
Falling, falling is the rain. Resting upon the land.
Falling ever so gently. Gently reduced in silent reverie.
The day has darkened, through weeping tears
Alas, for you Tariana, my illuminating light
Of highest esteem, and protector
of our Maaori world
Therefore, go to your many departed and sparkle as a star in the sky.
Nevertheless, leave us to tell stories
about you
Rest in peace, our tiny blue star.
He Poroporoaki – A Farewell
Heke, heke te ua. Tau ana ki te whenua.
Kaawatawata maarire. Kiki, kiki kau ana
Poouriuri te raa, tangitangi ngaa roimata
Moou Tariana taku ataarangi
Hei whakatiketike, hei whakaruruhau
moo te ao Maaori.
Noo reira, haere ki o tini kia piata mai hei
whetuu i te rangi
Erangi, waiho maa maatou hei korero
puuraakau moou.
Moe mai e te iti kahurangi.
Tariana Turia
Patron and Honorary Life Member - CCS Disability Action
By Dairne Kirton, National Board President
Tēnā koutou katoa
On behalf of CCS Disability Action and National Board with deep sadness of the passing of Dame Tariana Turia DNZM, Te Pāti Māori co-founder and former Minister for Disability Issues, we express our heartfelt gratitude and a tribute to Dame Tariana Turia for her exemplary service as patron and honorary life member of CCS Disability Action. Her commitment to advocating for the rights and wellbeing of disabled people/whānau hauā has made a profound impact for countless disabled people and their whānaus’ lives.
Her leadership and dedication have not only raised awareness about the challenges faced by disabled people/whānau hauā and our communities, but have also inspired many to join in collaboration for greater inclusivity, equity access and support. Her ability to connect with people from all walks of life and her passion for human rights and social justice have undoubtedly strengthened the mission and vision of CCS Disability Action.
We thank you, Tariana, for your unwavering support and commitment and being a beacon of hope for many. Your contributions are invaluable, and we are grateful to have had your leadership and contribution in our essential mahi. Every disabled person/whānau hauā is interwoven into the lives of their whānau and community.
You will be greatly missed. We share our thoughts, aroha and condolences with her whānau at this time.
“He manawa piharau.”