Important information about the Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People restructure

Information for people we support from Mel Smith, Chief Executive, CCS Disability Action

Download the factsheet from the Whaikaha website

Tēnā koe

I am getting in touch as you might have seen the news about changes to the administration of Disability Support Services. I understand that this has caused considerable concern and upset for many people, particularly as it follows on from the disruption caused by the changes to Purchasing Rules earlier this year.

I wanted to get in touch will all people supported by CCS Disability Action to share the information we have to date. Whether you are directly impacted or not, you may know someone affected by these changes. Please do feel free to share this information with anyone who you think might benefit from it.

I can reassure you that we will do everything we can to support disabled people and their families during this transition.

As an organisation we have worked with multiple Government agencies to deliver a wide range of disability support, and we will continue to do so. We will continue to work to make a positive difference in your life regardless of who funds our services.

What we know about the restructure

On 15 August 2024 Minister for Disability Issues and Social Development Louise Upston shared her intention to restructure Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People.

The key points were:

  • The funding and purchasing work of Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People will be moved to the Ministry of Social Development from October this year.

  • Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People will become a stand-alone Government department. It will be responsible for disability advocacy and policy.

  • Budgeting and financial controls will be tightened.

  • The Minister acknowledged that Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People has faced many challenges and that it was not set up well to succeed.

  • She said the Government and Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People had learned the lessons of the announcements earlier this year. They committed to working with people and the disability sector as the changes are made.

This news came as great shock to many people. It was a disappointment to many disabled people who fought so hard to see the Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled Ministry established.

How do I know if I am impacted by the Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People restructure?

Currently only people who receive their funding through Disability Support Services are impacted. Your support may be funded by another agency, such as ACC or the Ministry of Social Development.

If you’re not sure and you would like to know, please contact your CCS Disability Action Coordinator and they will be able to give you that information.

Information available from Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People

The Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People website says:

“If you are a disabled person, family member, or carer of a disabled person, there is unlikely to be immediate change to the support you receive.

For now, you will continue to get the funding, equipment, care and the other disability support you are eligible for.

  • The changes made to Flexible Funding in March 2024 will remain.

  • The prioritisation for Equipment and Modification Services (EMS) put in place in March 2024 remains in place.  

What could this mean in the future?

People will be consulted as we move through the process.

We will work with providers and disability organisations, as more details are confirmed.” 

You can read more on the ‘Fact sheet: for people receiving Disability Support Services’ available on their website here:

Information in Easy Read and NZSL has been commissioned by Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People. Please let your Coordinator know if you would like information in an alternative format, if this isn’t something you have already requested. We will share this as soon as it’s available.

What does this mean for your support from CCS Disability Action?

We will do everything we can to minimise any disruption or changes to your day-to-day support. Your CCS Disability Action team will not change as a result of the changes to Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People

CCS Disability Action will work constructively with all government agencies during the transition.

We have established relationships and disability support agreements with Ministry of Social Development, so we know we can work well with them.

What can you expect now?

As we are not in control of this process, we cannot provide any more detail on how the transition will be implemented.

We can commit to the following:

  • Passing on all relevant information that are allowed to share with you.

  • Answering any questions you have as best we can, with the information available.

  • Advocating for you, if you would like some support.

Where can you go with questions?

We have shared everything we know with you now.

If you have any questions, please contact your Coordinator. We can do our best, as an organisation, to answer them.

We will be in touch with more information, when we have it. In the meantime, if you use social media, you may like to follow us. We are on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Ngā mihi

Mel Smith
Chief Executive
CCS Disability Action


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