Auckland branch closure

Due to the emergency alert issued in Auckland, we are closing our branch to keep everyone safe.

Our team are here for you and still working.

Kia kaha to all affected by the wet weather.


Easy Read information

Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People

MetService New Zealand

NZ Civil Defence

Get Ready

Traffic and travel information - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Civil Defence Centres and Community Emergency Hubs

  • Civil Defence Centres (CDCs): are equipped to provide you with a safe place to eat, sleep and access essential support services.

  • Shelters: provide a place to be safe while the worst of the weather passes. Blankets and hot drinks will be available, but shelters aren’t equipped for extended stays.

  • Community-Led Centres: These sites are stood up by community groups, at marae, in local churches or by neighbourhoods using local buildings. They are not run by Auckland Emergency Management and the following information has been supplied for us to share. Please check the group’s website or Facebook page, if they have one, before you visit one of these Community-Led centres.


Budget Day Basics


NZSL Week 2023