How’s it Going?
About How’s it Going?
How’s it Going? is a free self-reflection tool that can support you to work out whether you’re living the life you want.
It involves a series of statements that you can use to:
Talk about or reflect on your life now.
Think about where you want to be and what you want to do.
Set your goals.
Change how people work with you.
Give other people a clearer idea of what you want to happen in your life.
Help to plan your future.
People who have used How’s it Going? tell us that it makes a real difference in their lives, so we have made it freely available in a number of different formats.
Giving it a go
You can use How's it Going? online tool or use a number of other accessible options.
If you have a vision impairment (or simply prefer a printed copy) we have a Word version (Doc 318kb). You can also request a copy in braille via the CCS Disability Action Library and Information Service.
If you speak Te Reo we have a Te Reo guide (Doc 64kb) and translation of the tool (Doc 530kb)
If you have a learning disability, a reading impairment or have English as a second language we have an easy read guide to using How's it Going? (Docx 4MB) and an easy read translation of How's it Going? (Docx 2.7MB)
If you are supported by CCS Disability Action, you can also access it through your local branch.
How it works
Regardless of the format to use to access How’s it Going? giving it a go is easy.
Simply select the statement you want to work through and then pick a number in the scale to indicate how you are feeling at the moment. You can also write down any comments to explain something in more detail or remember something important later.
You do not have to respond to every statement and there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers!
Getting the best from How’s it Going?
While you are using it, you might like to think about the following questions:
This statement is important to me, why is that?
What are the good things in this part of my life right now?
What do I want to see happen to help this part of my life to be the best it can be?
Who are the people I can have a conversation with about the thoughts this is bringing up for me?
Sharing your conversation
Your How's it Going? conversation belongs to you. You decide if and who you share your conversation with. You also decide if you want to share all your conversation or just some parts.
We have found that sharing your conversation can help other people understand your life better. If some parts of your life are not going well, sharing can be a good way to help to change that.
You can share your conversation with your friends and family. You can also talk to us.