
Gilmore Lodge is our Arrowtown-based holiday home in a picturesque setting. The single story, three-bedroom property is fully fenced, with a sunny outdoor area and alpine views.

CCS Disability Action Southland was generously gifted the property and supporting funds by John D Gilmore in memory of his wife, the late Mrs Lucenia Edith Gilmore in 1957. His vision was to create a family holiday home for disabled people, a vision which lives on today.



  • Wheelchair accessible

  • 3 bedrooms (sleeps up to 5 adults, 1 child)

  • 1 single hospital bed

  • 2 bathrooms (1 fully accessible wet room)

  • 2 living areas in main house

  • Internal access garage

  • Gas fire and ducted central heating

  • Wall oven with induction hobs

  • Fridge

  • Dishwasher

  • Dishware and cutlery

  • Pots and utensils

Location & Times

Arrival and departure times

Guests can access the lodge from 2pm on the first day of the booking and are to vacate the lodge by 11am on the last day.

Getting here

7 Patton Place
Arrowtown 9302


Making a booking

Tariff 1: $100.00 per night for the first 4 people and $15.00 each additional person per night. + $80 refundable cleaning bond

  • CCS Disability Action Southland members (i.e. living in Southland) who are disabled or are caring for a disabled child/adult. These members can include past and current users of CCS Disability Action Southland services. Bookings available 7 months in advance including the month currently in.

Tariff 2: $150.00 per night for the first 4 people and $15.00 each additional person per night. + $80 refundable cleaning bond

  • CCS Disability Action Financial members or People We Support of other branches of CCS Disability Action. Bookings available 6 months in advance including the month currently in.

Tariff 3: $180.00 per night for the first 4 people and $25.00 each additional person per night. + $80 refundable cleaning bond

  • Other disability agencies i.e. PACT, IDEA services and the people they support. Bookings available 6 months in advance including the month currently in.

Bookings will be confirmed once a $100.00 deposit has been received. Full payment is required before access will be given.

An $80.00 cleaning bond is also requested – which is refunded once house has been checked.

Get in touch

03 218 9696

