Contact information
Important phone numbers
Police, Fire, Ambulance: 111
Non-emergency police: 105
To contact your local branch, please visit our branch information page.
CCS Disability Action emergency duty phone guidelines
Our after hours emergency number is: 027 262 9615
The after hours service is for emergencies only.
Please only use this phone number after 5 pm Monday – Friday, or if it is a weekend or public holiday, and you need to get hold of someone from CCS Disability Action urgently.
An emergency might be if:
The tamaiti/rangatahi or yourself is seriously unwell.
The tamaiti/rangatahi had an accident and requires medical attention, especially if the tamaiti/rangatahi needs to go to the hospital.
You require medical treatment that affects or impacts on the care of the tamaiti/rangatahi.
You are unable to continue residing in your home due to an unwanted or unexpected event (i.e., damage to your home, natural disaster, fire).
The child in your care is missing (unaccounted for, lost or absconds)
If you have immediate concerns for the tamaiti/rangatahi’s safety for any reason
Any situation where you are required to phone emergency services e.g. Police, Ambulance. Note: call the duty phone after you have called emergency services.
The child in your care passes away.
Please do not phone your Coordinator after hours. Please use the after hours phone number.